Filming on a mobile device

Why film with a mobile device?
Using a mobile phone or tablet is common in everyday life and using them to film is not anything new. However, using these devices to actually create a produced video for an audience to either communicate a message, teach a subject or give instruction is still relatively uncommon, but quite easy to achieve.
Mobile devices now have the ability to produce outstanding video footage as well as having access to easy to use editing software.
There are many reasons why mobile devices are great to record with:
- The camera quality is good and getting better with advances in technology.
- You can use editing apps on the device.
- It's easy to upload and share, using online sites like YouTube.
- Most people have a device with them or can easily get access to one.
Follow our quick guide on how to reduce the camera resolution on your mobile device. This will save space on your phone/tablet when filming and reduce any upload time once completed.

Tips for filming
After you have planned for your video it's time to start filming. It's a good idea to prepare a list of locations, actors/interviewees and props needed for the shoot, this makes sure you don't forget anything important.
Portrait vs Landscape
You need to consider where your final video will be hosted.
Most of the times you should be filming landscape:

However, there may be times that it would be better to film portrait:

As long as you can justify your reasoning.

Using a tripod
If possible it's always better to use a tripod, as this will steady the shot and make it easier for the audience to watch.
However, there are occasions when you may make a creative decision to have the hand-held effect.
Recording sound
Having good audio will make your film. If you are recording an interview it would be best to have a clip-mic, but if you are unable to get a mic make sure you are close enough to hear the interviewee.