Video Creation Frequently Asked Questions
- How do you plan your video?
There are various different ways you can plan your video from writing a script, using a storyboard and schedules.
More information as well as downloading templates.
- What do you include on a storyboard?
Storyboards are a great way of getting your ideas on paper and help communicate within your production team. They can assist in visualising your concept to create an effective shoot. They are used so your crew know what it is that you are trying to achieve and therefore what they need to shoot. But also, they can help you move through the filming process easily and efficiently.
A storyboard is split into boxes and lines. The boxes are used to draw and indicate what it is that needs filming, whether it’s a close-up or a wide and what to concentrate the shot on. The lines are there to provide more description to the crew or remind yourself what you want to achieve. For example, you could include notes on the camera angle, props, locations, any camera movement, etc. Alternatively, you may want to add dialogue, so everyone knows when that shot begins and ends.
- How can I get better lighting for the shot?
Mobile devices need light to perform well, with good light engaging your audience with your video.
Some tips you could take are:
- Trying to shoot on a cloudy day as this can result in a nice soft and even lighting, allowing for a detailed image.
- If it’s a sunny day, try to shoot in the shade to avoid dark shadows and over exposing.
- If filming indoors, use the natural light by setting up the shot by a window.
- Bounce light around by using a mirror or white card.
More information about lighting to create different moods in your video.
- How do I get good sound through my mobile phone?
Your mobile phone will have good sound as it is primarily designed to be a phone, however you can improve the quality your get out of it.
- Find where your microphone is located in your phone so you don’t cover it when holding your phone.
- Ensure your subject is placed as close to the microphone in your phone as you can.
- If you are at a location, consider the noise happening around you, even the smallest background noises can have a major effect in your final video.
- If possible, it might be worth considering using an external microphone, this will improve the sound quality, especially if filming in a loud location.
- How do you manually set the focus and exposure?
With the camera app open, press and hold on the area of the screen to lock the AE/AF Lock function.
- How to enable the grid on your iPhone or iPad?
Within the Camera app on your iPhone, iPod touch, or iPad there is an optional grid that could help you better frame interviewee or objects. Using the rules of thirds can improve your videos and images from the ordinary to the extra ordinary, and all is done extremely easily!
- Click on Settings from the Home screen of your mobile device.
- Scroll down and click on Camera.
- Here there is an option for Grid, turn the feature On by tapping on the slider.
- Which camera is better quality on my phone?
Always try and use the rear camera on your mobile device, as it often has a higher resolution to the front facing one.
- Can I add still images or logo in to my video?
Yes, you can add images or logos to your video by uploading in the same way you upload a video file into your editing platform.
If you are wanting to have a transparency background you need to make sure the file is a .PNG file.
- Can I slow down/speed up my video?
Within the editing software or app, you are using there are possibly options for you to alter the speed of the clip you have shot. However, it is always better to have planned into your shoot if you want a slow-motion or quickened up shot before you begin shooting as it can affect the quality of the video if you do it afterwards. Most mobile devices have an option to do this when filming, so use this to your advantage.
- Can I use any music in my video?
This is a complicated issue but if you still want to use music that someone else has created then you need to know the legal implications of doing so. Therefore, when it comes to adding music onto your video you need to think about the copy-right licenses surrounding the track you have chosen. Most tracks come with some kind of license attached to them which you need to be aware of before adding it to your video. However, there are plenty of copyright free material you can use some of which you can find on your site here.
The Creative Commons are an organisation that allows people to add copyright-licences to their work. Allowing the creators to clearly define what which rights they reserve and which they waive for the benefit of the people who are wanting to use it in their work.
- How do I add text to my video?
All editing platforms should come with an ability to add text to your video. There will probably be a separate tab where you can either create your own text or add in a template for the text.
Text can appear by itself, over a video or image, full screen or within the lower thirds (usually used for name titles in an interview).
- How do I get video from my mobile device on to my computer?
The easiest way to do this would be connecting the USB cable that comes with your mobile device to your computer and download the footage from there.
Alternatively, some editing packages have apps that you can download and transfer your footage from your device, which will then appear within the editing package.
- How do you add a voiceover to my video?
You can add a voiceover in a number of ways depending on what software you are using to edit your video. The software may have a built-in voiceover tool which you could use to record it while watching the completed video.
Otherwise you could use your mobile device or camera to record a clip as you have done with all your visual shots, but when you bring it in to add to the edit you just use the audio and disregard the visuals.
- I’ve filmed everything in portrait, can I turn it round?
Most editing software’s or apps allow you to rotate your clips, however this will mean everything is on its side so it’s best to remember to record landscape if that is what you are after for your final film.
- What can I edit my video on?
You can edit on just about anything device from a desktop computer to a laptop to a mobile phone.
There are various different editing software/apps that you can get for each of the devices. Some work from the machine itself so you’ll have to make sure your clips are available on that particular machine. While others work online, with clips are stored within the cloud and are therefore accessible on any computer or device.
- What size/resolution/format should my videos be?
Video should be the largest quality you can have it, but you should consult the platform of where it’s going to hosted once completed about their requirements.
1920 x 1080 is full HD
1280 x 720 is standard
.mov or .mp4 id the usual format for a final video file.
- Why can’t I e-mail my video?
A video file can be large and most e-mail suppliers have a limit to what can be attached to an e-mail.